Contact FriKirkenET
Banevolden 46, 2500 Valby
Bankkonto: 1569–4795057102
MobilePay: 77726Drejervej 15, 2400 Copenhagen NVBank Account: 1569—4795057102

Michael Wandt Laursen
Areas of work: Daily management and contact with external partners and politicians.

Jens Linde
Areas of work: Newsletters, social media and websites, as well as press service for members.

Project Coordinator
Hanne Ostergaard
Areas of work: Coordination of conferences, events and meetings as well as various ad hoc tasks.

Chairman of the Board
Tonny Jacobsen
In addition, the Board of Directors consists of
- Jacob Viftrup, pastor of the Copenhagen Free Church
- Johnny Hansen, pastor of City Church Aarhus
- Anne Walsøe, pastor of Aarhus Vineyard/Head of Vineyard Denmark
- John Nielsen, General Secretary of the Evangelical Free Church Denmark
- Thomas Hansen, pastor of Hillsong Copenhagen/Head of Hillsong Denmark
- Lars Midtgaard, pastor of Bethel Church Aalborg
- Sam Michaelsen, pastor of the Pentecostal Church in Esbjerg/Chairman of Mosaik
- Ruben Andersen-Hoel
- Henrik Kaas